Sheena trained as a mental health nurse and, since 1998, has been a co-director in two family businesses. Since 2011 she has been working in the social enterprise sector, supporting the development of start-up social entrepreneurs.
Currently, Sheena is the founding director of a new social enterprise, The Entrepreneur Inside CIC, which aims to develop legitimate entrepreneurship in people who have lived experience of the criminal justice system.
In 2015 she was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to visit Norwegian and Texan prisons to research entrepreneurship and the role of social enterprises in the criminal justice sector.
Through the 2014 ‘Frontline London’ programme, sponsored by the Evening Standard, School for Social Entrepreneurs, the Cabinet Office and Lloyds Bank, Sheena supported young people with convictions and former gang members in London to develop their legitimate entrepreneurship. She also worked inside two London prisons, identifying, coaching and developing entrepreneurs, to prepare them for a further programme, upon release.
In 2011, she worked in Women’s Business Development with the Community Council of Devon, and with NESTA/Big Lottery Fund on ‘The Neighbourhood Challenge’, coaching community entrepreneurs.
Spending 2010 at the School for Social Entrepreneurs, Sheena developed her early ideas and researched the concept for ‘The Entrepreneur Inside’ programme.
A director of Brixham 21, a community regeneration company, for 10 years, Sheena has also been a non-executive director with the Torbay Development Agency since 2010.